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How we do it 

Our approach offers personalized services and optimal results



When you hire Bagnato Pflipsen Communications, you are hiring the partners whose names are on the firm. Unlike a big agency, we don’t hand you off to a junior account executive. And unlike a big agency, we don’t lock the doors and turn on an answering machine on weekends. In the digital age, communications needs rarely fit into the standard 9-to-5, Monday-to-Friday work week. Our careers in public and media relations have trained us to be prepared to work after hours or on weekends. It’s not unusual for us to schedule consultations on the weekends or evenings. We’re agile and flexible.


With years of experience in media and public relations, Bagnato Pflipsen has extensive contacts in Arizona and across the country. We understand how reporters, editors and producers think and have developed strong relationships with them. We have worked hard to gain the trust of the media and can leverage that to help tell your story.


Unlike some communications companies, we typically work behind the scenes, although we’re equally comfortable in front of a camera or a microphone. We don’t issue press releases when we take on a client. We don’t need to, because we have strong relationships with local and national media and know how to reach opinion-shapers.





Bagnato Pflipsen Communications is a small firm, but we broaden our reach by working with a network of talented professionals in such fields as web design, graphic design, analytics and research, photography and videography.


 Â© 2014 by Bagnato Pflipsen Communications LLC.

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